Building a community around foster care.

Building a community around foster care.

West Texans want to do what’s best for our kids in foster care. A new way to provide foster care is coming to West Texas that is locally focused and community led. This community driven approach to foster care encourages innovation, draws on local strengths, and allows flexibility to meet the needs of local children and families.

At West Texas Together we envision a community that supports local families experiencing foster care to do what’s best for the children and their families, ultimately building a stronger future. Together with local nonprofits, businesses, foundations, and churches we can improve foster care and keep more West Texas children closer to home. We need your help!


  • Safe
  • Cared for in their communities
  • Connected with siblings and other family members
  • Able to achieve long-term success in families
  • Prepared for adulthood
  • Given a voice along with their families and communities

We can and will do better.

For decades our foster system has taken a one-size-fits-all, centralized approach that has not worked for West Texas. At West Texas Together, our community approach will mean:


  • More local foster homes, so West Texas children aren’t sent to institutions across the state.
  • Expanded access to local services for foster children and their families.
  • Attracting and retaining a strong local workforce to help our kids.

Our Commitment

West Texas Together is a collaboration of foster care and adoption providers. Together, we see the need and opportunity to transform foster care in West Texas. We are looking for community partners that share this vision and want to do right by our kids. Will you join us?


Healthy Children

Children are safe and nurtured

Healthy Families

Family bonds and relationship are recognized as primary to a child’s growth and development.

Healthy Homes

Children grow up in supportive homes where they feel safe.

Healthy Communities

Communities take responsibility for children and families


The community is our first priority in Community-Based Care because you know how to care for children and support families in West Texas.

Stay connected with West Texas Together.